
As the Skiing recruitment system has become more and more complicated more families have found that University Prospects has become an indispensable member of their team. While Skiing, as a scholarship sport, encompasses fewer institutions than many other sports the opportunities are still there.

Our program helps you to discover your needs in a Skiing program and school that will be the best "fit" for you both athletically and academically. We stay in touch with coaches across North America and are constantly looking to fill their specific needs for any combination of skills and academics that they may have.

When we find something that matches everyone wins. The truth is that, except for the incredibly talented who generate their own "buzz" everyone else needs to be promoted and matched. Let us take care of that for you. Want to take the first step? Then visit our Prospect evaluation page by clicking on the "Let's Get Started" tab at the top of the page or on the banner below.

Previous scholarships: University of Florida; University of Maine; Boston University; University of Vermont; University of Charleston; Seton Hall; University of South Carolina; University of Toledo; Florida Gulf Coast University; Penn State; University of Texas; New Mexico State University; Western Michigan; Ball State; Notre Dame; UCLA; Canisius College; University of San Francisco; University of Tennessee; Hofsta

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